Job Opportunities

Are you a newbie or a seasoned veteran? Are you on your way in, in transition, or on your way up? Are you in high school or college? Are you starting fresh or coming back? Are you an engineer, a fore(wo)man or a technician?
We offer a variety of career and development opportunities for all kinds of people! Send us your application and explore our job postings. The sky is the limit!

Our employees enjoy the advantages of working for a family business while being afforded the opportunities of a global market leader, job security, comprehensive training and development programs, as well as professionalism combined with a maximum degree of individuality. As a family business, we are especially invested in creating a family-friendly corporate culture and employee-centric HR policies.

All personal designations are valid for all sexes.

Selected: Professionally Experienced Person Ergersheim Reset

Schichtleiter (m/w/d) in der Spiegelmontage

| Production | unspecific | Ergersheim

Koordinator (m/w/d) Instandhaltung

| unspecific | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Volljurist (m/w/d) für Unternehmensrecht

| Legal | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Verfahrensmechaniker (m/w/d) Kunststofftechnik

| Plastics | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Systemarchitekt (m/w/d)

| unspecific | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Strategischer Einkäufer (m/w/d)

| Procurement | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Sachbearbeiter (m/w/d) Versand

| unspecific | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Qualitätsprüfer (m/w/d) Elektronik

| unspecific | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Koordinator (m/w/d) Instandhaltung Elektronik

| Production | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) im Werkschutz

| Plant Security | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Energiemanagement-Beauftragter (m/w/d)

| Environmental Management | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Anstellung erfolgt bei der Firma LANG Technics GmbH & Co. KG

Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) Arbeitsvorbereitung Elektronik

| Electronics | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Entwickler/Konstrukteur (m/w/d) für Kamerakomponenten

| Research and Development | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Konstrukteur (m/w/d) im Fertigungs- und Betriebsmittelbau

| unspecific | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Bau-/Projektleiter (m/w/d) für interne Neu- und Umbauprojekte

| Facility Management | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Bus-/LKW-Fahrer (m/w/d)

| unspecific | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Elektroingenieur/Elektrotechniker (m/w/d) als Systemtester

| unspecific | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Steuerreferenten (m/w/d)

| unspecific | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

SAP Inhouse Consultant PP (m/w/d)

| IT | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

SAP Basis Administrator (m/w/d)

| IT | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Entwickler (m/w/d) im Bereich Mechanik für Spiegelsysteme

| unspecific | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Assistenz (m/w/d) Key Account Management

| Sales | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Projektmanager (m/w/d) Softwaretest

| unspecific | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Fachinformatiker (m/w/d) Systemintegration

| IT | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Produktsicherheitsbeauftragter & Functional Safety Manager (m/w/d)

| Quality | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Produktmanager (m/w/d) für Spiegelsysteme im Nutzfahrzeugbereich

| Sales | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) Werkzeugbeschaffung

| Quality | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) Versand

| Logistics | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Assistenz (m/w/d) Rechtsabteilung

| Legal | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) im Bereich Behältermanagement

| Logistics | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Lieferantenentwickler (m/w/d) Supplier Quality Development

| Quality | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Leiter (m/w/d) Qualitätssicherung

| Quality | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim

Projektleiter (m/w/d) Entwicklung Digitale Sichtsysteme Automotive

| Project Management | Professionally Experienced Person | Ergersheim